Give Back to The River
In 2016, will you run your fingers through the white sands of the Salmon, jump off Sturgeon Rock in Hells Canyon, or bird watch among the giant Ponderosas on the Grande Ronde? Book your trip now until Sunday, December 6th and we’ll give $100 in your name to Western Rivers Conservancy for every full-fare seat on our multi-day trips, plus send you a 21oz Hydroflask. Your donation will help insure rivers like our Salmon, Snake, and Grande Ronde will be accessible and healthy for generations to come.
We are very fortunate to run trips on beautiful, healthy rivers accessible to the public. Western Rivers Conservancy (WRC) is working to insure that access and health remains for future generations. They also acquire land to conserve critical river habitat and work to secure the health of whole ecosystems. On the Grande Ronde River at Minam, they purchased a part of the boat launch, securing public access, and turned it over to Oregon State Parks. On the Salmon River at Pine Bar, they purchased 1,284 acres to protect both public access and habitat for endangered fish species. The land is now managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Thank you for your visionary work, WRC.