Beautiful Wild Steelhead Caught this Weekend
Tom and his clients found some beautiful Wild Grande Ronde Steelhead this weekend. They caught 8 Steelhead in 2 days this weekend above Troy. The weather was beautiful, sunny and warm. The water temps were in the upper 40’s in the morning, rising to low 50’s by mid day. This increase in water temp during the day seemed to get the fish moving during the day. They were catching these Steelhead using a tungsten headed prince nymph in pocket water.
The Grande Ronde is running at 726 cfs right now. It looks like we are in for a change in the weather this weekend. Looks like that cold wet fall that everyone is predicting might be arriving on Saturday.
If you want to try your hand at swinging a dry fly for Grande Ronde Steelhead you better get over here soon. The cold rains will drop that water temp below the optimal dry fly temps. We will then have to start looking at getting down a little bit to catch em. Fishing should just keep getting better and better through November. We will just have to use some different tactics.
See you on “The River”