Grande Ronde River Trout Fishing Report June 15, 2016
Grande Ronde River Trout Fishing Report
Float Trip from Minam to to Wildcat Bridge
Date: June 15th, 2016
Weather: Partly Cloudy with Light Wind 65F
Water Temperature: Not taken
Flow: 2930 CFS & dropping on the Troy Gauge
Water Conditions: 4′ visibility
Gear: 9′ 5weight Winston BIIIX, Floating Line
Flies: #8 Pat’s Rubber Legs
- Hatches Observed: golden stoneflies, salmonflies, small caddis and brown drake mayflies.
Today’s Fishing Experience:
All Grande Ronde River Trout caught were native wild rainbows of a larger size than we have been seeing. This so the time to be out there.
Contact us today for additional information regarding Rainbow Trout Fishing on the Wallowa and Grande Ronde Rivers.
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