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The Fishing Report

More positive Grande Ronde River Steelhead reports

Tom Fished with some new clients again this weekend. A couple of total beginners and he was able to hook 2 Grande Ronde River Steelhead and land one with them. It is always amazing when a total beginner can go down there and catch a steelhead on their first time out. Tom had them drifting a prince nymph when they caught the fish. He would have been swinging a Purple Peril in the foam had his clients been a little more experienced.

Sunday night brought a large amount of rain to the Grande Ronde River Watershed which we are expecting will send the water levels up into the 900 cfs range by the end of the day today. This is just what we need to continue to get those fish moving. The conditions should be perfect on the Grande Ronde River near Troy after this flush of water makes its’ way through the system and the river calms again.
We are expecting warm and clear weather this week which could provide the perfect opportunity to skate some Muddler Minnows across the top and trick one of those Steelhead into taking a dry fly off of the top.
See you in Troy.