Lost and Found on the Ground Round
Rappers and Winston Fly Rod guys Jock and Adam were in the valley filming a video for their new release, “I’m on a Driftboat,” with James Nash on the turntables and oars.
Team Winston got on good terms with Grande Ronde steelhead via some fresh new lightweight double-hander rods. Meanwhile, I was downriver chucking telephone line with my 14-foot 9-weight utility pole, so this lighterweight concept sounds intriguing. I’ll have to look into that. Here’s James with a seamonster coaxed from the depths below Blind Falls.
Captain Morgan Jenkins set up riverbank resorts and shuttled camp gear for James, Adam and Jock. Sounds like MoJo busted out a new wilderness nacho recipe that I will be voting for in the upcoming River Season Menu Straw Poll.
That’ll Buff Right Out
Ruh-roh. In our continuing coverage of That Boat That Crashed On the Wallowa Last Year, that boat that crashed on the Wallowa River last year has made its way down to the Grande Ronde. Somebody has stripped what little was left on this poor gal, and snubbed her off to a tree. Free boat. But it’ll take some fancy rowing to get her out.
Speaking of finding stuff on the river, here’s a partial list of things plucked from the shore on this last run down the GR. One weird pink tub with rubber seal. No lid, but makes for a nice river garbage receptacle. 4 flip flops. 2 shoes (not matching). Foam chunks, prolly from that drift boat wreck. Lots of bobbers. One tennis ball, regifted to Todd’s dog Little Bear. One sun hat. Two bottles that formerly housed gross-looking wine. One sweet landing net that needs some attention but is still pretty sweet. . . .
And this jacked-up drink koozie, that appears to have been fairly cutting edge back in its day, with what appears to be a suction cup feature that appears to have not worked. Still, though, innovative idea. And this Mountain Dew bottle that I almost . . . ALMOST . . . unscrewed the cap on to pour out the liquid. But. However. Hold on. The caveman wisdom cortex of my brain kicked in, telling my fingers to halt. As you never, and I mean never, mess with yellow liquid in a plastic bottle. Mountain Dew label or not. Adopt-A-Highway cleanup experience has taught me that, at least.
Oh, hey, and I snuck up on some elk. That was cool.
Then I snuck up on a pretty flower.
Went through a black and white photography phase because it got cloudy one day and Mother Nature was in black and white mode.
Todd Kruger was rowing the mothership for our 4 day Grande Ronde journey. Jordan Manley cruised along in his new pack raft. Here he is looking all chill and whatnot.
Linden and Paul had themselves a picnic at Wildcat Bridge waiting for us to roll in. Linden got out her whistle and said she’d try it to see if that would make the river guides appear. Gave that thing a toot and, I’ll be darned, we came around the corner right on cue. Nicely done, Linden.
Check out Cam Scott’s latest Winding Waters Fishing Report for updates on the steelheading in the territory. Just talked to Mike ‘Grizzly’ Baird and he’s been getting into em but good on the Wallowa, with Cam and the Seitz family fishers. I don’t want to give away any secrets, so I’ll just whisper that beads sound like something a person might try. Down low. Maybe behind something with some weight to it. I’m just saying. You might try that. If you want.