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The Gearboat Chronicles

Moose and stoneflies on the Grande Ronde

So I didn’t get a picture — hard to dig the camera out sometimes when you’re maneuvering on the river — but we floated by a moose hanging out on an island in the upper stretch of the Grande Ronde, on the Wild and Scenic stretch between Minam and Troy.

Also heard a report that another rafting party saw a moose swimming the river.

A flying squirrel with aviator cap also reported in the area. All very exciting.

The wildlife sightings have been good with all this greenery — herd of bighorn sheep yesterday on a day float with Todd and Mike from Troy down to Boggan’s. Little lambs in amongst them. So cute. Bald eagles. A golden eagle. Deer. Lots of birdlife.

Fishermen, take note: stoneflies are out. River is still high, but dropping. The Wallowa is the culprit right now for murkiness. The Minam is real clear coming into the Wallowa, then the Grande Ronde is green where it joins the Wallowa and the Wenaha at Troy is nice and clear where it dumps in at town.

If I was going to break out the fly rod I’d say the Wenaha is the best bet at the moment. Authorities say to watch yourself down there, though, as they just busted a large illegal gardening operation down around there recently. Maybe don’t take a can of Miracle Gro with you. You might get asked questions.

Here’s the breakdown on river flows: Snake River is running about 36,000, down from the 50’s.

Grande Ronde is 9,630 at Troy.

Salmon River is in the mid-50’s but dropping.

Speaking of Hells Canyon at high flows, lay your eyes on this video taken by a Winding Waters guest, with cool slo-mo.

Be seeing you on the river.